Friday, May 28, 2010

A New Medical Paradigm

Like many folks with medical issues -- from diabetes and headaches to chronic pain-- we were counseled by Crewe's medical doctors that there are essentially two ways to deal with Crewe's lymphatic problems: 1) Use drugs to try and "correct" or mask the symptoms, and/or 2) surgically remove the offending body part(s). This two-pronged approach has been referred to as the Western Medicine Paradigm. Doctors typically order blood, urine and other tests and if the lab results consistently come back normal, you are considered to be "fine." If you continue to complain of symptoms after "normal" results, you are labeled "psychosomatic" (it's all in your head).

In Crewe's case (and others with his same diagnosis), neither drugs nor surgery have proven to have long-term effectiveness and both carry significant side effects and risks. For a while we looked into experimental drugs, hoping that there would be some magic solution in development somewhere. We even considered traveling to Japan to use a specific drug approved by the Japanese government for treatment of his condition.

Then we met Dr. Jerry Tennant, an accomplished medical doctor who now practices "integrative medicine." Dr. Tennant introduced us to a new medical paradigm. This new paradigm operates on three basic principles:
  1. The body sustains and heals itself by making new cells that work correctly. Did you know that the body is constantly replacing its parts? For example, the rods and cones in your retinas replace themselves every 48 hours and you grow a new liver every 8 to 16 weeks.
  2. Making new cells requires essential raw materials and electricity (aka voltage) to use those raw materials.
  3. All chronic disease - from allergies and diabetes to hypertension, ADHD and cancer - is caused by or aggravated by a fungus that is always in the body waiting to have the right conditions to eat us for lunch.
This new paradigm has transformed the way we view Crewe's condition and every other health condition. We are learning all we can about the essential raw materials needed to make cells that work correctly and the electricity required for the body to use those raw materials. Raw materials will be the focus of my next several posts.

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